Advantages of Artificial Grass
Artificial turf is a surface of synthetic fibers made to look like natural grass. It is most often used in arenas for sports that were originally or are normally played on grass. However, it is now being used on residential lawns and in commercial applications. The main reason is maintenance—artificial turf stands up to heavy use, such as in sports, and requires no irrigation or mowing. Domed, covered, and partially covered stadiums may require artificial turf because of the difficulty of getting grass enough sunlight to stay healthy. It is non-allergic, very durable for high traffic and 100% drainable.
Compared to natural lawn, artificial lawn requires very little maintenance. In fact, you don’t really need to put any effort in to maintaining it all!
Recycled Artificial Synthetic turf from sport fields is perfect for yards, patios, landscape, decks, play areas, dog yards, around pools, horse facilities and more!
Turf is used and may have field lines but is in good condition.
Please bring large truck or trailer to transport.
Call for more details regarding current inventory, sizes, and prices.
Begin the process by removing any weeds in the area. You want to eliminate any weeds as they will wreak havoc on your artificial lawn if they are left unattended. Once they are all pulled up, spray down the entire expanse with a weed killer, preferably one that is non-toxic. Allow the weed killer to work before moving on.
After the weed killer has taken effect, remove the uppermost layer of soil. This can be done by digging down from three to four inches. After this is complete, tamp down the loose soil with a hand tamp.
Those who are installing their artificial grass atop soil that drains well will most likely not have to deal with this, but those who do not have this benefit will need to make drainage gaps every so often in order to allow water to drain efficiently.
Artificial grass is known to drain quite well, but if the ground below it does not drain the water then issues can arise. For areas that suffer from only light rain, you may place your drainage gaps only six inches apart around the perimeter of the installation area. This should provide sufficient drainage.
Along the perimeter of your planned artificial lawn site place down bender board. This is to ensure that the grass will not extend past where it is intended.
This last step is not required, but you may do it if you want to prevent any rodents from digging up your artificial lawn later on and weeds from possibly popping up.
Simply roll out the wire across the area and secure it down with shaped staples to ensure that it does not move as time goes by. Trim it down to fit the area afterwards.
You can also lay down a geotextile layer (weed barrier) that will prevent the growth of weeds after you have placed your artificial grass.
STEP 2 :
Lay the Base for your Artificial Grass
Scatter the material that you will be using as your sub-base. This can be done with a wheelbarrow and shovel. For most areas that have mild climates, you can simply use any sort of stone or rock mix that is 3/8 of an inch or smaller at the base. Recycled concrete is a good option as well as Decomposed granite -DG.
Place down between three and four inches of this material in order to avoid slumping of your artificial grass and to ensure that drainage is sufficient.
The next step is to place a light skim coat thick layer of sand (DG) atop the sub-base. This will help to make the ground you are laying upon the firm.
Now, spray the entire area with water. Only water it enough to wet the area but do not overwater as the sub-base you laid out earlier may wash away.
Utilizing a plate tamper or compactor you will now need to compact the entire area. You want to get as close to 90% of the original depth of the base during this step, as the end result will be much like concrete yet remain drainable. (home depot rents them for about $40 a day).
Those who have the money may look into renting a vibratory plate compactor. This tool will save quite a bit of time and get the job done very effectively. Hand tamps are affordable and can get the job done well, though they are slower and more tiresome.
Now you will need to level out the area. Ensure that there are no dips or bumps that are left behind. You may need to add another base in some spots or rake down some higher areas. Adjust the area accordingly so that everything is flat and ready for your artificial grass.
STEP 3: Attach the Artificial Grass
Roll the turf out on an even surface out to the measurement needed and then mark it via a cut that is set four inches away from the edge. Make sure to leave a bit of space in case you make a mistake.
Next, roll it back and stop just where you previously marked. Cut along these marks and you will get your custom-cut portion of turf. (carpet Razor blade or Utility knife).
Now that you have cut out your Turf, simply roll it out onto the area that you will be installing it. Seam the parts of it together through the use of seam tape. Then nail down the turf with 5-inch nails in order to keep it in place.
Pour glue along the seams and spread it evenly along with the tape. After this, you will get your assistants to help you hold the turf as you stitch it together, constantly applying pressure. Lay down some heavy objects along the seams after you are finished in order to ensure that the turf sticks together properly.
Nail the turf down every few feet around perimeter in order to keep it in place. Make sure that you do not nail down any grass fibers as this will not look good. Utilize landscaping anchor pins along the perimeter of the turf and along the seams at regular intervals of around 6-8 inches. 5” nails work best.
Make sure that you do not hammer down these nails too much as it can cause dips along the artificial grass.
STEP 4: Finalization
Now that you have installed your artificial grass you can move on trimming it down to your desired length. Be very careful when doing this as any grass that you cut won’t grow back! Carpet razor blade is best.
You have successfully installed your artificial grass! Following these steps will help to ensure that you get the best Synthetic grass possible while performing the entire process yourself. You can now enjoy your artificial lawn and not have to worry about watering ever again.
White Oak Meadows
5301 White Oak Road, Wilsons, Virginia 23894, United States